Meditation is a Verb

Meditation may be seen as a do nothing discipline, but non-doing is by no
means doing nothing.

Traditional seated meditation asks you to be deliberate with your attention. You
focus on a single aspect of being: the ebb and flow of your breath, the inner
space of your heart center, or your non-attachment to thoughts and sounds.
You are becoming conscious. And although the end result is to be able to do
nothing extraneous, in and of itself, it is not nothing.

Becoming conscious is digging the foundation for the life you want.

Active meditation incorporates the deliberate thinking of still meditation into
the act of living. Active meditation asks you to be deliberate with your attention
while in motion. Mind and body are in each moment together, experiencing
your breath, your inner heart space or your reaction to thoughts and sounds.
You are practicing intention. And although the end result is to stay connected
with your self, it in turn, keeps you connected with your world.

Practicing intention is building the desired fortress of your life.

Meditation is a discipline and a lifestyle. It is done in stillness and in motion. It
is becoming and practicing.

The Art of Strength: Sculpt the Body ~ Train the Mind is a how-to book/video
package for living a meditative life.